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Katelyn & Zach | Our Love Story

September 24, 2022


Hey everyone! We are Katelyn and Zach, professional wedding photographers in the Utah Valley. There are many photographers but no one has our crazy story. We want to share that story with you!

How we met:

Zach and I actually met in Mr. Trimbles 9th grade science class. We even invited him to the wedding but he couldn’t come. 🙁 

At the time I was really liking this other guy and Zach says that during that time he had a huge crush on me. During that time BYU basketball was huge because of the Jimmer era. I decided to get something special for this guy that I liked and brought him back an autographed BYU shirt for him. To Zachs horror I brought it during that class period and Zach sat right next to the kid. If that kid is reading this (being very vague so we save his identity) Zach really wants that shirt and feels like it should be his. 

Zach obviously was extremely jealous and to this day loves telling this story.

How did we end up together?

Zach and I were best friends during High School and the tables swapt. Zach dated a lot of girls but never seemed to want to date me. The reason behind his cruelty in Highschool was because he didn’t want to date me and ruin any chance of a future with me because he was too immature. I guess I am grateful for his intentions now because he is mine!

Zach and I both served missions for the church of Jesus Christ and upon returning from our missions Zach asked me out the day I got home. Funny story about our first date….

When Zach arrived to pick me up for our date he answered the door and just prior to him arriving was another guy from Highschool who showed up unannounced and asked me out and talked about how successful he was and how ready he was for marriage and a family. I obviously knew what was on his mind but I had my eyes on another prize. Zach arrived on time for our date and we all awkwardly talked for about 2 minutes and then the boy left. That was the last time I ever heard from him. If you are reading this buddy, no hard feelings, you’re a great friend and Zach and I love your cute family!

After that it was history, Zach proposed and did it during non other than a BYU basketball game seeing how it would be appropriate because of the signed shirt from Mr. Trimbles class. 

On May 20th 2017 we were married in the Payson Utah Temple. 

Our Cute Family

This is where our story really gets intense. In just 5 short years, Zach and I have both graduated with bachelors degrees and Zach is currently a religious teacher for our church. Within that 5 years we had 4 kids. They are all within 3 years of each other. Our oldest is Peyton and then William and now our twin baby girls Aspen and Rosalie. 

How are we running a photography business and have a young family? Its very simple, we are passionate about photography. We love our KZ (Katelyn and Zach) brides and grooms. They are some of our best friends and love building our circle of influence. 

God has blessed us with an amazing family and has also blessed us not only with our business but giving us the opportunity to reach and influence others. 

We love you all and are so grateful for your friendship and business. We wouldn’t be where we are without all of our KZ Brides and Grooms. Can’t wait for you to join our Katelyn and Zach (KZ) tribe!

These were our engagement pictures! We look so little haha!
My bridals were done at Thanksgiving Point in the Ashton Gardens. I regret not doing a first look but these were still so beautiful!!
We sure are madly in love even to this day!:)
Buttercream bake, holy smokes it was so good! We had a different flavor for each tier.
Seriously one of the best dance parties we have ever been to!


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